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Squares & Earth Tones Mask.jpg

Greetings and Salutations,

I create music, I create images... I dream. 

The Process is a method of communication, an ongoing discussion juxtaposing music and images, designed in hopes of approaching these mediums in a novel fashion.

I've been toying with "Sci-tronica" as a label for my brand of spacey techno... everything seems to get a label these days; I like the notion of choosing my own.

"Do the needful, walk your talk..." - ForcesUndivided


"Not really sure what it is, but I like it; hypnotic." - Kelly Megan Mars, Music Critic (Los Angeles, Las Vegas)

"Plymouth, Massachusetts based artist and producer possibly creating yet another subgenre of techno. 
The tracks have a B-movie, sci-fi vibe to them."

- Davis Johns, Music Critic (Boston, New York)

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